Gerald Eastwood Season 1 Episode 5

My name is Gerald Eastwood.  And this episode has one of the strangest storylines you will ever find.  But it may be closer to the truth than you will ever experience.

 The reason I have written such a Trilogy of books that I have, under my Pen Name Muir Taylor, is in preparation for a time such as this:

Surviving the Deep State

You Must Have Silver

Iran – The Event

All are on Amazon and available now.  The ultimate survival guides to this new time we are so rapidly approaching. 

 If you have listened to all of my Podcasts, then you know everything you need to know about the subject of UFOs.  I would suggest reading the Pentagon UFO Report after it comes out.  And then I would suggest preparing – time is short.

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UFOs – THE GREAT DECEPTION, Episode 5 of the Pentagon UFO Report Podcast

My name is Gerald Eastwood.  And this episode has one of the strangest storylines you will ever find.  But it may be closer to the truth than you will ever experience.

Founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center, The Reverend Dr. Raymond W. Boeche has been involved in the study of unexplained phenomena since 1965. He has served as Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network,

Boeche was retained by the University of Nebraska as a consultant to organize, host, and present research papers at two major international conferences on the unexplained in 1982 and 1983. He has published numerous articles, as well 4 books: a collection of his writings, "An Anthology of the Unexplained"; "The Collected Annals of the Journal of the Fortean Research Center"; 

Dr. Boeche holds a B.A. from Peru State College, a Master’s. degree from St. Mark’s School of Divinity, and a Doctor of Theology. from St. Paul Theological College.

Dr. Boeche last served as pastor for adult education at one of the nation's largest Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations, in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Here is the story. Reportedly, Dr. Boeche was approached and met on Monday, November 25, 1991 with two men who identified themselves as being associated with the NSA in Ft. Meade and the DIA in Washington, DC.  He was told as a result of the group trying to work with demons, there were various deaths in the program (Ray has said that his sources personally showed him graphic photos of three of the dead), as well as ill health and series of events that could almost be described as literal curses. He was shown photographs of three dead people in their late twenties and thirties – who looked like they were in something like dentist chairs and hooked up to EKG machines.  They died during an experiment – where black arts and rituals were used to try to summon up extraterrestrials so as to work with them. They each died a bizarre, strange death. Dr. Boeche was shown twelve photographs of the three dead from different angles.  The experiment had gone “over its head” and they didn’t understand what transpired.   Nick Redfern wrote a book “Final Events” about these revelations.  Ray Boeche has an amazing website full of information itself.


We will cover multiple topics around this theme. First, a look back to the 1960s.

 Professor Jacobs is a respected professor at a major US university. In the 1960's he was in the Air Force. He was the officer in charge of optical instrumentation and his job was to film ballistic missile tests launched from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. In 1964, during a test of the first missile they filmed, they caught on film a UFO traveling right next to the missile.  A telescope photographed the missile as it entered the third stage of its trajectory.  It was about 60 miles above the earth, in subspace, and traveling at over 11,000 mph.  The film showed that from the UFO a beam of light was directed at the missile. The warhead attached (it was a dummy warhead for the test) was struck by the beam, and ejected.  The next day he was shown the film by his commanding officer and was told never to speak of this again. He didn’t for many years, but finally he spoke up.  He said the incident itself was never classified.  There is a YouTube video:

 UFO Destroys Vandenberg Missile - (Prof. Robert Jacobs Testifies)

 Going back in time further - In 1950, after a rash of flying saucer reports, the British Royal Air Force started a clandestine research operation and it was five years in duration. On April 24, 1955, a RAF spokesman told the press that the UFO study had been completed.

In the middle of 1955, RAF Air Marshall Lord Dowding gave a lecture in which he revealed the UFO investigation to some length. He stated that the phenomenon commonly known as unidentified flying objects:

1. Were PARAPHYSICAL in nature. They were not made of matter as we know it, but were spiritual in substance.

2. Were immortal in nature. The UFOs were not flying saucers as such, but were immortal beings who could manifest themselves in various forms, including human forms.

3. Could render themselves invisible to human eye. They have the ability to materialize and dematerialize as will.  

The British are pretty cool customers, right.

Modern secular investigators acknowledge these factors that are so generally affirmed. Dr. Jacques Vallee relates,

In Indivisible College the structure of abduction stories was identical to that of occult initiation rituals. Several years before, I believe it was stated in Passport to Magonia that contact with ufonauts was only a modern extension of the age-old tradition of contact with nonhuman consciousness in the form of angels, demons, and elves.

 Jacques Vallee warned us that the aliens are engaging in a “world wide enterprise of subliminal seduction.”

Is it possible that the alien encounters are demonic in origin?  In doing research I ran across a website called the CE4 Research Group.

These people study Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind – Alien Abductions.
 I’ll be reading directly from the website of the CE4 Research Group.  And from their FAQ page. And I recommend you check them out. Here we go.

WARNING: The following information may change your preconceived notion of the true nature of Alien Abductions and UFO’s. Enter at your own risk; you may come away a changed person, many already have.
 "In dealing with the mystery of UFO's we stand on your behalf in front line of battle. We are in defensive warfare at a major point of assault on humanity."   

 Dr. David Allen Lewis, Author, UFO: End Time Delusion

Here is the research that even the UFO community does not want you to see.

What you are about to see is probably the best kept secret in the UFO research community.  
 The following work is the culmination of 15 years of Alien Abduction and UFO research by a group of researchers called CE4 Research Group. These researchers took on one piece of the UFO puzzle as a research project. They have done honest research into this strange and unusual phenomenon. They first started with a hypothesis, collected the data and then attempted to share their findings. The research group has to date worked with over 350 so called cases of the Alien Abduction Experience.

From their FAQ Page:
 Are Aliens real extraterrestrial biological entities?
 In many circles this is readily accepted. This is NOT a proven fact. NO evidence yet today can absolutely show this. It is only a belief, based on sketchy at best circumstantial so-called evidence. The research findings that we have show that this is not an extraterrestrial biological entity that we’re dealing with. Rather, the research shows what we’re dealing with here, is this: it is a spiritual entity, and this is even what the secular realm is starting to see. They call it an “interdimensional" or "extradimensional" entity. Well, they’re only one step away from using the word, “the spirit realm”.. Which, we have no problem with that, because we’re actually talking about the same thing. But from a Biblical perspective, we recognize that as, there’s only two realms. There’s a physical realm, and a spiritual realm. And that spiritual realm is another dimension to us. And these entities are from that realm.
 Are Aliens extra dimensional beings?
 Many researchers today are leaning more toward this hypothesis based on their findings. You can read the many quotes of these researchers on our quotes page. CE4 Research also believes, based on their research, this to be more the truth.  
 Are Abduction Experiencers really taken aboard Alien Space Crafts?

There is no real evidence of this yet today. This is a recorded perception by the experiencer, perpetrated by the Alien Entities. This can happen in a number of the deceptions that these entities use to perpetrate this. 
How many of those people were you able to help stop abductions and terminate the abduction experience in their life? 

The total cases we’ve probably worked with are right around 400 right now, and they are still coming in. That 400 is both of people saying, “I too have done this, stopped this experience”, and also of people saying “can you help me stop this experience?” Out of these 400 cases, probably a third of those have actually been in the position in which they were asking for help after seeing the testimonies posted on our web sites. So about a third of the 400 at this point are the ones that we’ve actually been able to talk to and share with them what we’ve found, and get them to understand what this phenomenon is about, so that they too can be free from this experience, and we were able to help them stop their abductions and terminate the abduction experience in their life.
When it comes to stopping abductions, what method works, and does it work for all types of these entities?
The way we work with helping people is getting them to understand that they have been through a deception. And once that recognition is made, it starts them onto a level to where they can understand and cope with the experience, to a point to where they can self-deliver themselves from the experience. What they’re doing is breaking their stronghold that these entities have on them. They must do that themselves. It’s not something we can do for them. We can share with them what I’ve learned from dealing with all of these cases. We can show them the evidence we have of the name and power of Jesus Christ over these entities. And they must recognize this, themselves. And then they must be determined to do something about what they’ve recognized. And this process is in taking the steps through the 8 Rs to Freedom that we work with. The 8 Rs process works with all types of these entities.
Does invoking the name of Jesus Christ to stop an Abduction experience work for everyone that uses it? 
This has to come in true belief, from the heart. And we’ve actually had many testimonies where it didn’t work the first time, but persistence did show that it worked.
 Can it ever work for anyone who is not a follower of Jesus Christ?
 Yes it can, and we have testimonies of that from our research. Because of the out come of it, it changes that person to be a follower of Jesus. They become witnesses to the name and authority over them. This makes for the best evidence for what we have found. 
 Where does the authority of the name Jesus come from?
The Book of Matthew.. And in Mark – Jesus said he empowered us to cast out demons in His name. Mark 16:17.
Have you found any other name of a religious personage that stops the experience?
 We have heard of only a handful of such cases. But never with the life changing evidence that comes with using the name of Jesus. It seems the Alien Entities allow this to give the impression of another name working. The real evidence comes from a true life change of being set free from the oppression that comes with the experience. No evidence is shown that the experience can be terminated completely from their life except through the name of Jesus and a personal relationship with him.
What causes someone to have an abduction experience? 

The secular researchers have been asking the same question for years and years and years, “What causes these people to have this experience?” And actually working in this for over 15 years, we’ve found a commonality amongst experiencers, and have been able to put our finger on an answer for that, that we believe that would fulfill this question. And it comes under 3 different forms. We at CE4 Research Group have found through our research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons.
The first answer, is that there are actually people that ask for this experience. And we’ve actually been at conferences and working tables where people come up and go, “You know I’d really like to have this experience to see what it’s about.” Be careful what you ask for. Because you open yourself up to that experience wholeheartedly when you do that. 
The second one is people unknowingly open themselves up to this experience, and it's by dabbling in the occult, or new age practices, or mystical things. Anything that’s ungodly can open you up to this realm, where you're putting up a billboard to the entities, to say that, “You're welcome here. I’m looking for answers. I’m not looking at it in God’s Word, but I’m looking at it elsewhere.” And they are that elsewhere. They will come into your life and affect you in some form or manner. People that are dealing with anything in paranormal, not just UFO stuff, they open themselves up; ghost experiences, people dealing with psychic abilities, they’ve opened themselves up to that particular experience. It’s like the enemy has a million doors out there, wanting you just to pick one: where God says, “I stand at the door and knock.” So we see most of the people that have become involved with this experience, it’s because they have unknowingly opened a door in their lives, to allow this experience to happen; they’ve been dabbling in areas that they shouldn’t have.
The third one, they said they had had these experiences since they were children. And the one thing that puzzled us was, these children weren’t openly asking for this, and they weren’t really unknowingly opening doors, because they weren’t open to these types of things. They weren’t doing other things that would unknowingly allow that to happen. The more we started questioning the past of their lives: what was your family like, what was your family life like, what were your parents into, and what type of work did they do, or what did they believe? That’s when we usually found an open door. And the open door wasn’t caused by the child: the open door was caused by the family itself; the parents. And that opens it up to a generational curse, or generational cycle of the experience, which secular researchers are seeing, they just don’t have an answer to that. 
Do you believe there is an Alien Entity agenda?
We certainly do. We are seeing through the research that the purpose of the Alien Entities is to change your mindset; to take your mind off of the ONE true GOD. We see this in the communications from these entities, and the messages they give through the experiencers. You can read some of those here on this website. Why would space aliens come all this way to tell us just this one religious belief, Christianity, is wrong? When there are so many other religions that don’t even agree with each other, except that they are all Antichrist. These entities preach an Antichrist New Age Gospel. Jesus warned us to be aware of any angel who comes preaching a new gospel. Could this be what he was warning us of, the message we are seeing from the Alien Entities? They are all about deception. They are here to deceive mankind with there false warnings and false prophetic messages. They will do whatever it takes to make you believe them. 
Who do you believe these Alien entities are if they are not Extraterrestrial Biological Entities?

Because of seeing that invoking the name and authority of Jesus affects the experience, we had to also look at it from a biblical perspective. Are there entities written about in biblical scripture that show the abilities of these Alien entities? We see that there are. They are called angels. Scripture talks of two types of angels. God’s Holy angels, and those referred to as fallen angels. The fallen angels’ purpose is to deceive mankind. The abilities of these fallen angels mirror the ability of these Alien entities. What appears as high technology may only be their actual abilities. Secular researchers use the term interdimensional beings. Scripturally they are spiritual beings with very bad motives toward Humanity.
How real can the abduction experience feel/be to those who experience it?
 There are different levels of how much they feel the experience is real. A lot, a high percentage of experiencers - and a lot of the other secular researchers will even attest to this - will describe it as “I’ve had these dreams”. And that’s a key thing to consider there: is on that level these people have had a dream-state-like experience that they’re remembering. 

There are those though, not a high percentage, but once they’ve been able to get to where they have major recollections of these dreams, the reality of the experience itself seems more intense, and to a higher level.  It’s real to the point to them that they’re having a hard time discerning whether it actually physically happened to them.  

 As far as very real experiences: fallen angels have the power to create “vision” scenarios that are real, in the sense that it really does happen to the person. It doesn’t happen in physical space and time. But as far as memory and recall though, the person did experience that. The experiences really do happen to the individual, but the fallen angel initiates it, then the fallen angel and the person have a Visionary Experience, that is real, but as soon as the fallen angel ends that experience, the entities seen and any constructed location, inside a spaceship etc., cease to exist.  In a minority of cases, these experiences can seem completely physically real to the individual, because the fallen angel made it seem real, which is the nature of these Visionary Experiences. But it’s not real in space and time. 

While fallen angels may manifest to cause physical injuries to an abductee, these highly real-seeming experiences are Vision Experiences, as fallen angels and Holy angels are seen causing in the Bible. And this level of reality is much more rare.

The vast majority of abduction experiences are in that dream-state. A lot of people use the term in the “astral state” or “Out of Body Experience state”, but that’s all pretty much all in the same venue of the experience itself. 
Are there races of these Alien entities?
 We believe we are dealing with the elite of this hierarchy, the most deceptive, the most intelligent, the most powerful, to bring forth this deception of this being Aliens. Also this scripture tells us they are spiritual beings not physical beings. Although they have the ability to manifest into physical form if needed to perpetuate their deceptive agenda, to deceive mankind.  All of this was read from the CE4 website.  Check it out yourself, and the testimonies and stories.
Now, author Brook Alexander wrote, “A lot of the characteristics that attend UFO ‘close encounters’ are also highly characteristic of demonic encounters… More than anything else, the thing that we came to understand was that these UFO’s are not extraterrestrial space vehicles, but they are extradimensional beings.”

Demonology is the ancient and scholarly study of the monsters and demons who have seemingly coexisted with man throughout history. Thousands of books have been written on the subject, many of them authored by educated clergymen, scientists and scholars.

 John Weldon and Zola Levitt concluded, “No acceptable theory is capable of explaining all UFO phenomena, except the demonic theory.”  Could this be the ultimate answer?

 Following the first coming of Jesus Christ, the UFO activity seems to have abated until the Dark Ages.  It has steadily increased ever since.  

 In our generation it has astronomically increased.  Could this be a sign that we are entering the events of the Book of Revelation, which includes a 7 year tribulation period followed by a thousand year Millennium.  Now the Millennium is a great time to be alive, but the 7 year tribulation, no so good there.  It may be fast approaching.

 So you see the whole story now – the Aliens, who are not really aliens at all, are preaching a New Age Religion.  This ties in perfectly with the New World Order.  It goes hand in hand.  And this is why the government is still in the dark – they have not told us the full story.

 The reason I have written such a Trilogy of books that I have, under my Pen Name Muir Taylor, is in preparation for a time such as this:

Surviving the Deep State

You Must Have Silver

Iran – The Event

All are on Amazon and available now.  The ultimate survival guides to this new time we are so rapidly approaching. 

 If you have listened to all of my Podcasts, then you know everything you need to know about the subject of UFOs.  I would suggest reading the Pentagon UFO Report after it comes out.  And then I would suggest preparing – time is short.

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