Drones, UFOs or Something Else?
It is a fact there are multiple global conspiracies, including extraterrestrials. The elites of the world power structure seek to bring about a New World Order as it's described in the Book of Revelation. This coincides precisely with Bible Prophecy, which is the topic of my latest book, a page-turner. My latest eBook, "Secrets of the Tribulation: Timeline - 2024 to 2030" is now available on Amazon & Barnes and Noble. It is a must-read!
In addition, I have published another Kindle book titled The CIA, JFK & UFOs. It is currently on Barnes & Noble and also Kobo and Google Books, and has now appeared on Amazon. For Press & Media inquiries, I am available at: mysterywriter7777@outlook.com
Astounding revelations and truths are in my books that people never thought they would see. Could this series of events we are about to delve into show a cover-up of the true story: that the entire UFO question, including abductions, alien/government cooperation, and all the rest, while apparently true, are ultimately a deception of some kind? Are these objects extraterrestrial, or are they some form of time travel? Could they be spiritual entities? Or are they extra dimensional objects from a fourth dimension? You make the decision.
But they are real – and the government cannot explain them. Gerald Eastwood was born in Louisville and attended a Midwestern University. At the University, he became interested in Astronomy as a hobby and took all available courses. As another pastime in college he obtained a commercial pilot’s license. His interests and background in science led him to pursue the most powerful story of our time - UFOs and the mystery behind them. Bringing together his natural research and writing talents, he also produced a book on Surviving the Deep State under the Pen Name Muir Taylor . He is also the stepson of John Stringer, who took the JFK autopsy photos at Bethesda Naval Hospital. He has a high level of knowledge of the JFK conspiracy.
Let’s look at some excerpts from my book, “Surviving the Deep State” by Muir Taylor, my Pen Name.
Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks, President John F. Kennedy found himself in the same crosshairs. Kennedy had announced his opposition to offshore tax havens and proposed eliminating the depletion allowance for large oil companies. Kennedy’s economic policies were publicly attacked by Fortune magazine, the Wall Street Journal and the New World Order spokespeople. Even Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon voiced opposition to the JFK proposals.
Kennedy’s time on earth was sealed due to these decisions in June 1963 when he authorized the issuance of more than $4 billion in United States Notes by his Treasury Department. This was in direct contradiction to the practices of the private Federal Reserve international banking cartel.
Lee Harvey Oswald was conveniently gunned down by Jack Ruby. Ruby himself died from a fast-growing cancer he had strangely contracted while in jail. An insider told author A. J. Weberman in 1994, “The answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Don’t underestimate that. It’s wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger on the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIA”.
US citizens ever since were terrorized into silence. If they could kill the President, they could kill anyone.
This Brotherhood I have just described controls every aspect of the global economic network. This includes certain major international banks and insurers, as well as indirectly controlling the media, the key intelligence agencies, and thus the government. The one exception – they did not control Trump. That is why you witnessed one of the most amazing Intel battles of the century when he was President that was waged against him.
Their activities are coordinated through the secret societies and one of their most important vehicles is the City of London-House of Windsor operation called the Club of the Isles. It was named after King Edward VII, Queen Victoria’s son, who was the first to carry the title Prince of the Isles. The title is held today by Prince Charles.
This very same group developed the so-called Trump Dossier. It was bought lock, stock and barrel by a variety of Washington people, including some of those in Congress and the Senate. The last several years have proven these people are in the same class as the Village Idiots of old. A total lack of critical thinking is their brand and identifying feature. Let’s look briefly at the so-called Dossier, and then we’ll go down the rabbit hole and look at the Private “Federal Reserve.”
This and much more can be found in my book on Amazon – Surviving the Deep State by Muir Taylor. You can understand everything that is happening if you read and study this book. You can protect yourself.
This is Gerald Eastwood, the consummate insider. Keep in mind as the Navy Seals say, “The only easy day was yesterday.” Godspeed and goodnight for now.
Press Enquiries: mysterywriter7777@outlook.com
Link to Gerald Eastwood's Author Page on Amazon: