Gerald Eastwood Season 1 Episode 16

Those who plotted the coup d'état need only check eight key areas in order to pull off the assassination without raising suspicion. Whoever can do this did the assassination.  I believe we know the answer.  So did Howard Hunt, and many others.

1.                  Dallas: One of the most quoted assertions of L. Fletcher Prouty is the claim that an Army Intelligence unit — the 316th Field Detachment of the 112th Military Intelligence Group — was ordered to "stand down" and provide no additional security for Kennedy's Texas visit.

2.                DEALEY PLAZA: Ensure the motorcade route goes through Dealey Plaza. Where sewers provide cover for the killer(s) to literally walk away unseen. Where multiple buildings provide cover, Dal-Tex, The Book Depository.  Where the Grassy Knoll is, a perfect getaway spot.

3.                 Washington: For a while after the assassination, DC and suburb phones are either dead or unreliable. The only consistent communication is radio among the White House and Langley.

4.                Air Force One: Surreptitiously move the corpse to a different casket, on Air Force Two.

5.      Bethesda Naval Hospital: Divert the body and closely control the autopsy.  One of the doctors conveniently burned his first draft of autopsy notes.

6.                National Archives: Remove the brain and other key elements of the assassination records. And then place a seal of discovery on key documents for many, many decades.

7.                 White House: Appoint a group such as was appointed.  -The conclusion of the Warren Report that President Kennedy was killed by a lone assassin is a “fairy tale, totally untrue, a fiction, a myth, totally impossible.”  Who had the authority to appoint these so called blue ribbon experts?

 8.   MEXICO CITY    The HSCA ’s Lopez Report provided evidence that Oswald was impersonated in Mexico City at around the same time as ‘León Oswald’ was seen in Dallas.  He was impersonated and allegedly met with Valerie Kostikov, a member of Directorate 13 of the KGB.  That’s the assassination bureau.  Why did this happen?  Because some operative with a high level US Intel group knew that Oswald was involved, even if only at the periphery, and knew the assassination was imminent, only weeks away in November of 1963.  Therefore they had a double, of a totally different physical appearance but nonetheless reported as Oswald on a CIA cable, just released in the last few weeks, meet with the KGB’s chief of assassinations.  Why? In order to dissuade and discourage any other alphabet agencies to investigate or release data once the event actually occurred.  Who in his right mind would want to tie Oswald to Russia?  That would ignite World War III.  Thus the other alphabet agencies stand down.  And that’s exactly what they did.  

 This is Gerald Eastwood.  Goodnight and Godspeed from a remote island in the Gulf of Mexico.  Remember as the Seals say: “The only easy day was yesterday.”  


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